Anti-Dust Mask

by Aneeza Sehrish
Anti-Dust Mask

Now the world is experiencing a tragic outbreak, and everyone is worried he might be the next one infected with this virus. Therefore, the WHO recommended that people wear masks, whether they are sick or healthy.

Every person, whether young or old, and even children are wearing masks as a precautionary measure so everyone's urge to buy a mask, would perfectly fit his demands. For this, they research every type of mask and then buy it.  This article will know about the anti-dust mask, whether it is fit for protection from this pandemic or not.

Working of Face Mask

When an infected individual coughs or sneezes, he drops tiny aerosol droplets that remain suspended in the air for a long time. When you cover your mouth and nose with a mask, those particles can't enter your respiratory tract. And this helps in slowing down the spread of viral infection.

Mask Protection against Covid-19

The cloth mask is not that efficient to block corona, but it can act as a better way to prevent viral droplets. You can also use various preventive measures such as maintaining distance, washing hands regularly and disinfecting surfaces to reduce the infection rate.

Anti-Dust Mask

Dust mask act as a filter piece respirator in protection against airborne diseases as each one is designed for a specific airborne illness. If you use a wrong mask accidentally, it can be hazardous as most of them look alike in physical appearance.

If a mask has defected, it can also be a danger as they allow the material to pass through them, and the purpose of wearing a mask is spoiled. Dust masks are unable to protect against chemicals, mist, and vapors.

As compared to respirators, dust masks are lighter and cheaper in price and are more comfortable too. But if we say about protection, then respirators are far better than dust masks.

On a quality basis, some of the dust masks have straps for tieing behind the head; some have aluminum straps outside for covering holding the nose and an inner rubber strap for holding the nose more efficiently, even if the aluminum strap is misplaced.


The above-provided information about anti-dust mask reveals that you have to make sure the face cover you are buying will protect you from the airborne disease because they are due to similarity in appearance and can cause you ana imaginable if worn wrong. So always before buying do proper research about the mask.

by Aneeza Sehrish